Horoscope: Jun 17-23, 2016

Horoscope: Jun 17-23, 2016

What’s in the stars for the week ahead?



Mar 21-Apr 20

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Ceres is maxing out on Uranus this week. What does this mean? All your nurturing abilities will either create an electric attraction, or sparks could fly in the midst. Either way, reactions may be greater than anticipated. Once they start, they could catch fire. Luckily, Venus transits into a safety-valve water sign. Empathy and understanding can make a revolutionary turn in your favor. 


Apr 21-May 21

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If things appear to be moving slowly, or you have a partner who is hard to find—i.e., also not moving quickly—despair not. Mars is retrograde in your house of partnership, and the Moon transiting there could add a moody atmosphere. But Venus moves into your solar third house. Communications come through with appreciation for you, and a way to enjoy a taste of luxury.


May 22-Jun 21

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Mercury, Vesta, the Sun, and Venus are in your sign. What more could you ask for? There is something else—when Venus leaves Gemini to enter your solar second house. This indicates a gilding of the lily with what you own, or a financial bonus coming your way. None too soon, because you may have a secret list that Venus will address when she makes her move this week.


Jun 22-Jul 23

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These are the days Cancers dream about. Venus enters your sign this week. There is no better planetary placement, other than the Moon in Cancer. You get to be completely in your element. Venus likes to see you cozy, comfy, and cuddled. She wants you to have luxury both at home and when you’re out. She reminds you you’re loved and beautiful. Enjoy this current transit.


Jul 24-Aug 23

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Well, Leo, have you seen things play out the way you expected? If so, congratulations! If not, you’re navigating a true and honest life stream. Good news, it’s alive! Unpredictability equates to growth, promise, and new dimensions arriving when you least expect them. With Venus entering your solar 12th house, it’s dreams first, then the yummies begin to show up!


Aug 24-Sep 23

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Pushing yourself against the grain can be hard. At the same time, you’re building muscles, so you may as well have that detail-oriented mind of yours to choose which ones to use. Being spartan and depriving yourself probably feels old. Indulging just creates a karmic hangover. However, Venus is entering your career sector. Money and beauty are highlighted.


Sep 24-Oct 23

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The quality of Neptune, retrograde in your solar sixth house, starts a pattern of unraveling. It’s a bonus when you’re a therapist working with the psyche, a negotiator looking at an agreement, or when you’re choosing the best water aerobics. It also pulls you into a dreamy realm, with music and films as a highlight. Solid stakes in the ground can drift, so expect changes in the midst.


Oct 24-Nov 22

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This is a real lovey-dovey week if you like traveling afar, delving into the deep and mysterious, or expanding your inner reaches for peace. Venus enters your solar ninth house, and suddenly there’s a luscious layer of icing that changes your perspective. It’s just the beginning, too, so expect the good prices and plush comfy sofas to open up just when you need them.


Nov 23-Dec 22

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What seems like a blockade may lead to a detour that takes you exactly where you’d like to be. The trick is that it may not be what you had in mind, until you have a chance to look deeper. It’s not that you’ve found a book that doesn’t look like its cover. The cover has to be appealing, too. But with Venus entering your solar eighth house, you’re about to receive emotional satisfaction.


Dec 23-Jan 20

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In astrology, you are always balancing your outer Sun sign with your inner reflection, plus the sign opposite yours. For you, it’s the sign of Cancer. People don’t always know that Capricorn,  formidable and fearless, can have a shy or private side, too. Venus enters Cancer this week. Be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself a gorgeous sensual indulgence that is not overtly practical.


Jan 21-Feb 19

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There’s a certain amount of sacrifice you have always been able to live with. Saturn, the  task-master requiring discipline to create long-lasting structure, is the previous ruler of Aquarius, before Uranus came on the scene. Still, you have to balance your commitments by giving yourself a break. The planets have assembled to give you time to treat your shy side this week.


Feb 20-Mar 20

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Luck is in the little things. At times the smallest increment can make the most difference. In homeopathy, the more times a remedy is diluted, the greater a punch it packs. Could it be that the stars in deep space have as much or more power for us than the ones we can see? If so, then even a tiny bit of energy imbued upon your dreams can result in the happiest results for you this week.