Der Rosenkavalier Opera

Der Rosenkavalier Opera

Apr 03, 2022 at 12:00am ~ Apr 12, 2022 at 11:59pm

This masterpiece is set in high society Vienna, and portrays in elegant and exquisite music memories of times gone by and of young, new love. Master director Jonathan MILLER excels at detailed character portrayal, and in moving the action from that pinnacle of aristocratic culture, 18th century Vienna, to 1912, which is one year after the first staging of “Der Rosenkavalier,” he has the work impart a sense of the vicissitudes of time that audiences at the time would have experienced. Those who appeared on stage then, as well as the famous duo of composer (Richard STRAUSS) and librettist (Hugo von HOFMANNSTHAL) all lived in an age over which the darkening clouds of strife were gathering, on the brink of war. The wise Marschallin sings that “she wants to stop the clock,” and in doing so feels not only the relentless encroachment of age and resignation at having parted from her young lover, but a sense, too, of a generational shift.

Annette DASCH, one of the world’s leading sopranos, performs the role of the Marschallin, making a much-awaited return to the NNTT for the first time since 2008. Viennese conductor Sascha GOETZEL who has given many concerts with Japanese orchestra will make his NNTT debut.

Visit the website for schedule and ticket prices



Start: Apr 3rd 2022 at 12:00am

End: Apr 12th 2022 at 11:59pm