Takashi Murakami: The 500 Arhats

Jan 01, 1970 at 12:00am ~ Jan 01, 1970 at 12:00am

Japan’s biggest artistic export of the 21st century (perhaps all time?) is the subject of a major exhibition at the newly renovated Mori in Roppongi. Takashi Murakami has many admirers—and detractors—but his domination of the Japanese art scene is an immutable fact. The 500 Arhats is Murakami’s reaction to the 3.11 disaster—a 100-meter-long Buddhist-flavored token of gratitude to Qatar, one of the first nations to offer help in the wake of the tsunami. The show also features a number of new creations including towering sculptures like The Birth Cry of the Universe, as well as more predictable anime-flavored canvasses.


