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December 21, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on December 2011 Through the gate [...]
Mitsuko Kankaku
Melodramatic but watchable
December 21, 2011
This week's required reading
Win tickets to Goya: Luces y Sombra
December 20, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on December 2011 Odakyu line crossing [...]
Shinjin 10
Take in some strange dance before Die Pratze closes doors
Noh Masks and Costumes from the Mitsui Collection
Get into Noh, face first
Gojira, Hoshano, Hikashu, Moretsu na Christmas
Consider celebrating Christmas the “violent” way
Anya Komichi Ueno to Asakusa Underground Cruise
Tsuzuki tours the shabby eastern half of Tokyo
Ooooze x TRI-BUTE x Weekend Warriorz present Countdown 2011 to 2012
A trio of brash clubbing crews combine forces