Inaccessible yet compulsively watchable filmmaker + disaster genre
Thriller Night
Unearthing the other side of cinema
The Unforgettable Fire
Photographer Paule Saviano finds a light that shines in the eyes of survivors
February 15, 2012
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on February 2012 Blazing Torches at [...]
February 15, 2012
This week’s required reading
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
Cathartic, illuminating and honestly (mostly) moving
Yokoso Kyogen
Manzo Nomura and Thane Camus bring “mad words” to the barbarians
The taste of Shikoku
February 14, 2012
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on February 2012 A monkey bathes [...]
Kitsutsuki to Ame
Treads a fine line between sweet and saccharine