Hessle Audio Night
The latest in London beats
Fuzzy Groovers
One of the great ambient guitar works on the only sound system that can do it justice
Swan Lake Returns
St Petersburg’s Leningrad State Ballet on a 22nd tour of Japan
Icarus Falling: An Exhibition Lost
Begin to imagine a future history of art
Miracle of Nagasaki
Japan’s early persecuted Christians and the Nagasaki bombing linked in a prayer for peace
Kudo and Ishizaka
Unorthodox combo of avant-garde dance with traditional Asian percussion
December 12, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on December 2011 Love turtles in [...]
Saiko vol. 9 Psychotic
Vid & pics from Shibuya Milkyway, Dec 4, 2011
Masterpieces of Modern Crafts and Living National Treasures from the Museum Collection
Try this unsung treasure of Tokyo art museums
December 9, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on December 2011 Between the match [...]