October 3, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on October 2011 High tech engineering [...]
Welcome 2 My Nightmare
A timeless rock institution only partially aided by his zombie makeup
Street Literature
The rights and wrongs of staring at strangers’ chests
September 29, 2011
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2011 A Yamanashi classroom [...]
Pseudo-SF, paranoid thriller is a briskly-paced, fun head trip
The Speak
Unspeakably lame
DJ Shadow
The legendary DJ turns up the faders with his new album tour
Bacana Ginza
Churrasco and samba at this newly-opened Brazilian BBQ
Final Destination 5
An interesting skewer on the FD theme
5 Days of War
Can you withstand a volley of pulpy war clichés?