Jaime Pastor Japan is just beginning to discover the delights of Iberico ham, says the Asia rep of a renowned Spanish food company
Tall Order Some of Tokyo's iconic buildings are being lost to zoning laws that were intended to improve the city
Beating Them at Their Own Game As Japan's first foreign mahjong professional, Jenn Barr has become a force on the local gaming scene
The Rainmaker Author Barry Eisler has found gold on the mean streets of Tokyo with six books about Japanese-American assassin John Rain. Now the action is coming to the big screen
Golden Age Stuck in Tokyo for Golden Week? Lucky you. With everything from cosplay festivals to street fairs to beer factory tours, the city and environs offer more than a week's worth of fun. Here are our top picks.
Open Season Celebrating 150 years as the international face of Japan, Yokohama gets ready to greet the crowds