Open Site 6 – Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo
Oct 16, 2021 at 11:00am ~ Jan 16, 2022 at 7:00pm
OPEN SITE is a Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) open call program launched in 2016, and aims to build a platform that brings together projects focused on artistic expression across all genres. This year marked the sixth annual call for proposals, and a total of 153 applications were received. Following a strict selection process, successful candidates included four projects in the Exhibition category, three projects in the Performance category, and two projects in the dot category. Additional projects in the TOKAS Recommendation Program and the Art Mediation Program bring the total of projects to 11. All of the successful candidates exhibited a strong will and sense of freedom, along with an overflowing desire to share their projects with the world. We look forward to seeing the projects come to fruition and sharing them with you.
[Part 1] 2021/10/16 (Sat) – 2021/11/21 (Sun)
[Part 2] 2021/12/4 (Sat) – 2022/1/16 (Sun)
Free (except for performances)
Start: Oct 16th 2021 at 11:00am
End: Jan 16th 2022 at 7:00pm