Tall Order Some of Tokyo's iconic buildings are being lost to zoning laws that were intended to improve the city
Golden Age Stuck in Tokyo for Golden Week? Lucky you. With everything from cosplay festivals to street fairs to beer factory tours, the city and environs offer more than a week's worth of fun. Here are our top picks.
Open Season Celebrating 150 years as the international face of Japan, Yokohama gets ready to greet the crowds
Last call for Kabukicho As the iconic Koma Theater goes under the wrecking ball, is this the end of Tokyo’s notorious red-light district?
Showa Sweetness Nostalgia for the postwar era has revived the market for vintage snacks and toys. From 200-year-old shops to gleaming mega-malls, everything old in Tokyo is new again
[Sub]urban Pleasures Futako-Tamagawa offers attractions ranging from the spiritual to the cultural to the culinary. Here’s an insider’s guide TO THIS leafy Setagaya-ku neighborhood