
Tokyo Metabolizing
Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on August 2011 In the 1950s, [...]
A Geek in Japan
Put some skimmed geek on your coffee table
Hatsune Miku
Fans take the control panel with this holographic superstar
Orphans & Heroes
Stylish singer and Pride promoter Lenne Hardt hosts a gala benefit
Just Two Dances
Issues of identity and ethnicity in two works set for the intimate Aoyama Round Theater
Earth Celebration 2011
Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, Aug 19-21
Makuhari Messe, August 12
Punkafoolic! Shibuya Crash 2011
Punk Rock Confidential hosts its annual daylong slamfest
Kanagawa Reggae Pride 2011
Get the best of the Carribean just south of Tokyo
Leo Rubinfien: Wounded Cities
Chicago artist presents portraits of traumatized urbanites