Tokyo LoveHotels Vol.20: #SENDMYLOVE
Jun 12, 2021 at 2:00pm ~ Jun 12, 2021 at 8:00pm
Tokyo LoveHotels is back at it again with their 20th event, themed #SENDMYLOVE at the always snazzy Sankeys PENTHOUSE in Harajuku. Come for a entertaining evening of art, music and creativity from Tokyo’s most talented and rising creatives. This iteration features live music from Beto De Armas, live body painting by Xeno Babe and crowd pumping DJ sets from Samantha Mariko, Kalin Law, DJ Double G, Shannon Yotaro, CES2 and DJ Yoshi. Like always, you don’t have to worry about enjoying the evening on an empty stomach , New New York Club is serving up as the pop-up kitchen with their American comfort food. As an alternative for alcohol, CBD bitters mocktails will be served, thanks to the London based wellness company OTO.
Line up:
Live Performance:
Beto De Armas @Betodearmas
Live Body Painting:
Xeno Babe @Xeno.Babe
Primadoña Sunnies @Primadonyaa
Sarasa X Riko @Osarajewelry @Rikomonma
311ado @Trillado
Evol X Angelz @Evolxangelz
Adore Luxe Nails @Adoreluxenails
Tokyo Lovehotels @Tokyolovehotels
Barber By Foreign Cutz @Foreigncutz_official
Popup Kitchen:
New New York Club @Newnewyorkclub
Ufan Yan @Ufan_yan
Becca Dufie @Becca.Dufie
PEETPARKA @peetparka
Samantha Mariko @Samanthamariko
Kalinlaw @Kalinlaw
Dj Heem @Raheemr
Shannon Yotaro @Itsshannondesu
Ces2 @Hfmtokyo
Dj Yoshi @Certified_djyoshi
※Due to COVID-19, guests will undergo temperature screening and hand sanitizing upon entry. There will be capacity management throughout the night. In order to keep a safe and fair ratio, re-entry will be limited to 1 drink purchases
Tokyo LoveHotels is an art event organization, celebrating local and international talents by providing a free space for exhibiting their works. For more information on the live performance, visit their website.
Start: Jun 12th 2021 at 2:00pm
End: Jun 12th 2021 at 8:00pm