Horoscope August 4 – August 11

Horoscope August 4 – August 11

See what's in the stars for you


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love♥   ¥ Money¥   ♣ Luck

Horoscope August 4 – August 11

March 20 – April 18


Have a lot going on? You may notice moments for yourself are precious and few. Yet they still bring breakthroughs. Aries moves fast, leaping to the next level. Nothing stops you. You have a drive that keeps your inner fires hot. You may call it daily life. It’s Mercury the Messenger’s turn to connect with Jupiter. Think big, take action, tell everyone. This week your stars bring luck.

April 19 – May 19


This could be your lucky week, without even trying. Jupiter in your sign chooses you. The catch? Uranus is in Taurus, too. If someone even hints at something you’d like, be sure to respond with all your Venus-ruled charm. Uranus can whip something away in a heartbeat. Hold on. Mercury makes a beneficial aspect to Jupiter, which expands everything. Go for it!

May 20– June 20


Vesta has you covered. The goddess of home and hearth is in Gemini. Let yourself enjoy where you live; find a sofa to sink into. You’ll add supreme quality to your week. The Sun makes a challenging aspect to Jupiter. Either you have too much to do, or something blocks a chance for expansion. This will change. Mercury trines Jupiter, revving up your energy, luck, and results.

June 21 – July 21


Your time and energy are valuable. Feel wrapped up in responsibilities? Daydreams keep drifting by? They could merge with your higher mind and give you a reason to keep going. The Sun squares Mercury, so your ego might initially take a hit. Once that’s over, the rewards come. Ruler Mercury makes a positive aspect to Jupiter. Accept those social moments. 

July 22 – August 22


If you were born this week, Happy Birthday! The Sun radiates its light to celebrate your day. Summer is synonymous with Leo. The Sun and Venus are in your sign right now. They excel in their ultra-deluxe offers. The choice is yours. However, they both make a square aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. Changes that look like unwanted challenges could turn out to be masters of marvel.

August 23 – September 21


Life is never boring when you’re a Virgo. You could stand back and observe, but you end up jumping in to save the day. Your ability to implement and organize is unequalled. As an earth sign, you excel in the physical realm. You figure out how things work, then put them back together. Ruler Mercury helps you anticipate. It trines Jupiter.  A big trip is on its way in.

September 22 – October 22


Ceres in Libra brings back-up. If you think you may need a bit, why not have some stellar assistance? The Sun and Venus offer a luxurious warmth when you’re with friends. Groups you connect with can lift your spirits. Mercury trines Jupiter, making things bigger. Sanctuary and privacy are reasonable with the transformation you’re in. Conversations may be mind-expanding.

October 23 – November 21


Ready for another week? Not yet, and wishing your pillow stayed with you? Like every day before this one, you will find your way. You may not know it, but the stars are with you. Mercury trines Jupiter. The planet of conversation and connections takes a shine to the one who offers positive risks and plain old good luck. Soak it up and let it in!

November 22 – December 20


Just because you see the big picture doesn’t mean you don’t do details. Your visionary streak and optimistic spirit keep the future coming in. For a Sagittarius, having to slow down might not appeal. Longing for more time? Watch for Mercury trine your ruler Jupiter. It’s focused on the material realm, luxury, and money. It’s your turn for a positive result to your dreams.

December 21 – January 18


Ever feel like you’re in a time warp, or an experiment someone forgot? Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn can make life seem like a rerun. It’s not actually the case. This one’s for keeps. This final transit creates diversions to develop your mastery. Mercury and Jupiter form a grand trine with your sign. They offer you enormous powers of presence and persuasion.

January 19 – February 17


There’s plenty to look forward to this week. Both the Sun and Venus are opposite your sign. Either you are with a gorgeous partner, or you’re about to get a glimpse of a luxury lifestyle. There may be a bit of initial resistance, but don’t let that stop you. Mercury trines Jupiter, where you feel your very best. Home and joint resources open to a magical opportunity.


February 18-March 19


Saturn retrograde is in the early degrees of Pisces. As it transits along, it can be tough. You may protect smooth skin and fragile souvenirs, but you could also feel a freeze in your emotions when it’s necessary. Watch yourself create the reality you choose. Logic assists intuition. It’s a way to enjoy being out there. Mercury trines Jupiter. Ask for something outrageous. You may just get it.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani