

Veggie missives and doggie praise


Originally published on on June 2014


Regarding “Sorry, I’m Not Sorry” (The Last Word, May 30): Yes, I agree that it certainly is an effort being a vegan/veggie here as the majority of vegetable meals listed on menus contain meats of some sort.—T. Jacobson

On an individual basis, I don’t think it’s fair to criticize Japanese people for finding vegetarianism odd because, quite frankly, it just isn’t a mainstream way of life here. Nor would it be a worthwhile activity to criticize restaurants for not catering to vegetarians, because they have no incentive to—vegetarians are such a small part of their target market that it wouldn’t be worth their while. I don’t see any agenda against veggies here—just market forces at work.—ARob


Regarding  Metropolis #1051 (May 16-29): Well done! Metropolis #1051 is a well thought out and integrated issue. From front cover to “The Last Word” there are topics relating to dogs, cats and pets in general. Readers could be forgiven for thinking that the only matters of interest in Tokyo were Botox and burgers. … Consumers need to be educated that while pets, particularly dogs, can be wonderful companions, they are definitely not children—and should not be treated as such! However, like children, pets are a commitment and must not be taken lightly. I believe there is no organization in Japan with the clout of the SPCA. I hope you will continue with other interesting thematic issues. I would like to suggest 1) wine: shops, bars, tastings, schools and Yamanashi vineyards, and 2) onsen within, say, two hours of major stations on the Yamanote loop—that include food, hiking, sightseeing, hotels and omiyage, etc. Thank you for such an interesting issue and for raising issues such as  the abandoned Fukushima pets, the reluctance of Japanese to adopt older dogs, etc.—Allan Murphy

Regarding “Second Chances” (“Global Village,” May 16): I was disappointed that you didn’t mention Animal Friends Niigata in the sidebar about Fukushima rescues. They have been actively rescuing animals from Fukushima and the rest of Tohoku since after 3/11. They are still looking after animals who cannot return to their owners and operate a sponsorship scheme that helps pay for their care. Any offers of help for them—whether volunteers, food or donations—would be welcome. They also hold an adoption event monthly at the Aoyama Farmer’s Market.—Sally Clements

In edition #1051 there is an awesome tie on the Shiba Inu on the front cover. Can you please tell me where to buy the tie?—Tieless in Akasaka

Dear Tieless,
Thank you for the compliment! That was our editorial assistant’s personal tie purchased at a secondhand shop in Sweden, so as far as we know it’s not available here. However, she’s bought other very cool ones here, for example at Ragla Magla Shimokita Store 1. (2-30-10 Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku. Open daily noon-11pm)