Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on August 2014

Dear AMA,
I know Japan is strict on illegal drugs, but I have a Canadian friend who likes to do all kinds of stimulants. Of course I don’t touch that stuff, but I’m with him when he’s taking them. If he ever gets caught in the act, will I get arrested for guilt by association? And is it true that I’ll get deported and never be allowed back in the country? —Not Inhaling
Dear Not Inhaling,
We passed your question on to the good people at TELL. Here’s what they had to say…
Finding information about the laws in Japan can be difficult, especially if you don’t speak Japanese. You raise an important question. When it comes to laws and social norms regarding drug use, these can vary considerably from country to country. The answer isn’t simple, and it would depend on the circumstances. As is often the case with issues of Japanese law, there’s no black and white answer. It’s frequently the spirit rather than the letter of the law that matters, along with how it’s interpreted. That being said, the laws are very strict and jail sentences common. Foreigners over the age of 15 who are found guilty of drug use may be held for up to 23 days for questioning, and if charged and sentenced they’ll normally be deported after serving time. Once deported, it’s very difficult to obtain the necessary permission to re-enter Japan.
You’re right to be concerned for yourself, but it is obvious you are also concerned for your friend. He’s lucky to have someone like you. The TELL Lifeline is a free, confidential and anonymous place where you can both talk through this issue and learn about what resources are out there to help.
Answer courtesy of TELL. If you need to talk, they’re here to listen. Call the TELL Lifeline at 03 5774-0992 from 9am-11pm, 365 days a year or visit their website at www.telljp.com.