International Cultural Exchange Charity Event: “MATSURI”

Oct 15, 2023 at 11:30am ~ Oct 15, 2023 at 7:00pm

Representatives from over ten countries, including foreign ambassadors and officials, will come together to showcase their nations’ products such as alcohol, food, and specialties in a lively festival-style exhibition. Notable highlights of the event include a captivating speech on “Shinto” by Ambassador Cadero of the Republic of San Marino, who also serves as the head of the diplomatic corps, as well as thrilling performances by ten talented groups of artists representing Japan. Additionally, there will be a vibrant folk costume fashion show.

This event is proudly supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Japan Tourism Agency, and the Sumo Council. A portion of the event’s proceeds will be donated to the Kids School. We are also excited to announce our plans to host MATSURI and Kids School in Portugal and other foreign embassies across different countries in the future, so please stay tuned for more exciting developments!

Event Details
@Shinagawa HebiKubo Shrine
Date: 2023/10/15( Sun) 12:00-17:00(open at 11:30)

Ticket Details

Types of Seats
VIP seats (seated) ¥5500w/tax *Limited to 45seats
 Performance +  light meal + soft drinks and sake
STAND Seats ¥3850w/tax
 Performance + light meal + soft drink and sake
Please look forward to the meal!

Performance & tucker produced by SOP
Japanese Dance &Japanese Harp.
KAOR I_ Japanese style Pole Dance  REIKOU KANNO _ Calligrapher  MOTOKI _ Crystal Ball
TSUMUZI _ Violin   ERIKA& _ Fad & Guiter  KOKORO _ Japanese Drum

Organisers – SAKE OF PEACE

The organization is a platform for Japanese culture, including sake, shrines and temples, sumo, and anime, and collaborates with cultures from all over the world. The group will create opportunities for various countries and cultures to interact with each other beyond race and nationality, such as international exchange events at foreign embassies in Japan and festivals at shrines involving foreign residents in Japan.



Start: Oct 15th 2023 at 11:30am

End: Oct 15th 2023 at 7:00pm