Hearing is Believing

Hearing is Believing

A professional high-end sound experience at the Apple Store Ginza


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2012

Why not immerse yourself in some high-end, high fidelity audio tonight? The Hearing is Believing event at the Apple Store in Ginza’s auditorium is presented by professional audio engineers and Tokyo musicians who demonstrate how they create their music through a combination of their Mac computers and Logic Pro and Garage Band recording software. Gain insights into how these hit song and soundtrack producers compose and engineer their music and enjoy an analog level high-grade audio experience courtesy of Antelope Audio professional digital audio converters

Musicians and engineers include the MetPod’s own Kaleb James, saxophonist and percussionist Gary Scott, TV and film post-production engineer Takashi Akaku, TVCM and voice acting engineer Junya Terui.

High end digital audio converters supplied for the listening experience by Antelope Audio: http://www.antelopeaudio.com/en/products/category/dacs

Nov 9, 6-7:30pm. Free entry. Limited to 80 people only.
Apple Store Ginza: www.apple.com/jp/retail/ginza