Horoscope June 23 – 30

Horoscope June 23 – 30

See what's in the stars for you


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love♥   ¥ Money¥   ♣ Luck

Horoscope June 23 – 30

March 20 – April 18


Vesta, goddess of wisdom, has entered your communications sector. You can move at the speed you would like. You’re likely to hear the support you desire. With Vesta out of your finance sector, Jupiter takes on Uranus. These two planets make things exciting. Uranus continues to change things up, but Jupiter pulls in the big options. Enjoy the ride.

April 19 – May 19


If you’re looking for a few pleasant interactions, you’re likely to find them. Mercury moves into your conversational sector. This is about as comfortable as it gets, since the Messenger governs connections and sharing ideas. Friends may be a bit off-schedule. The influence of Neptune about to go retrograde could slow their plans or create interruptions. This goes for meetings, too.

May 20– June 20


You know you can do it all, but do you long for some some back-up? You’re in luck with the stars. Vesta, the goddess whose sacred fire keeps home and hearth going, enters your sign. In Gemini, she thirsts for knowledge. You may take time out to discover an interesting venue or activity in your neighborhood. Ruler Mercury transits to bring words that comfort and cuddle.

June 21 – July 21


The Sun is in the early degrees of Cancer. Happy Birthday! Mercury follows, so conversations may support your point of view. They also are weighted in the areas you’re known for. This often includes money management and caregiving. It’s easier to make up your mind when these two are aligned. Decisions come from your deeper self. How you feel has value.

July 22 – August 22


Notice your life is full of discovery and intrigue? Leos have a lot going for them in the skies, and on the ground. Venus and Mars are in your sign. You get the best of both worlds. Venus loves beauty and spending money. Mars has the energy to go the extra mile. Dark Moon Lilith and Pallas Athene connect at the same degree in Leo. There’s an unusual twist coming.

August 23 – September 21


Ruling planet Mercury governs the mind. This includes organizing thoughts and how you approach conversations. As it transits, it gives you the edge in your communications. Your solar eleventh house brings friends, as Mercury joins the Sun and Juno. Neptune going retrograde is nothing you can’t handle. Decisions may dissolve as new options arise.

September 22 – October 22


You have your choice of options this week. The planetary players are spread out evenly for you. If you want to let someone know you care, Mercury the Messenger transits to your solar tenth house. It’s a great time to nurture your career. Neptune, planet of divine love and the subconscious mind, is about to go retrograde. Feel free to add any colors to your palette.

October 23 – November 21


On a thin wire? Keeping your balance is tricky when heavy gusts blow through. Mercury transits to pull in long-distance visions. Consider a place and time away. Whether you talk with a loved one about a trip, or spend time online for a better rate, you’ll benefit from a change of scenery. Neptune is about to go retrograde. You are a contributor to things that last. Especially yourself.

November 22 – December 20


The stars leave you wide open this week. There are no planets in your sign. When they are there, they may influence your desires. Go ahead, get your manifesting power in gear. What do you like best? Remember to visualize. Mercury transits to nurture you through a partnership, or build a foundation you can bank on. Let flexibility at home carry you through.

December 21 – January 18


Want to get out and enjoy the world? You’ll make things happen. Mercury the Messenger transits opposite your sign. It brings ease to your conversations. This includes reaching out and important negotiations. There’s time to explore. Neptune will soon be retrograde. You can reconstruct before the gaps get too big. Be generous with yourself. Connect your future to now.

January 19 – February 17


Has something rearranged your dreams? It might be Pluto. Now that it’s retrograde and has backed out of your sign, it pushes for full potential. Energy is important. Your humanitarian perspective is an asset to all. Mercury transits to bring work and details into focus. Is there a question you are wondering about? Sharing it may reveal you’re not alone.

February 18-March 19


If you’re sensing the cosmos move through, contact those who are thinking of you. Go ahead, they know you can feel it. The Sun has moved to your solar fifth house. The greatest light in your chart shines on a potential romance. Even if you must set the stage yourself, you’re still ahead of where you would be. Mercury transits to this sector to help you connect out loud.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani