Toilet!? Human Waste and Earth’s Future

Toilet!? Human Waste and Earth’s Future

Dive into the amusing world of waste


Originally published on on July 2014

Flush any misconceptions about human waste out of your system at this new show at the futuristic, bayside Miraikan science museum. The curators take a humorous yet educational look at different toilets around the world and even a possible space toilet that could be used to grow plants. An unchi (poop) yurukyara (mascot) ambassador is your guide to an exhibition whose centerpiece is a giant 5-meter toilet that allows visitors to slide into it after donning feces-shaped hats to simulate a trip into the sewer.

¥1,200. Miraikan, until Oct 5. 2-3-6, Aomi, Koto-ku. Telecom Center. Tel: 03-3570-9151.