Yoshino Baigo

Yoshino Baigo

Famed plum festival draws to a close


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2014

The “plum village” of Yoshino Baigo in Ome will be holding what will sadly be its last plum festival for the foreseeable future. The park, on the south bank of the Tama River, was hit by the plum pox virus in 2009. Over 10,000 trees were felled to prevent the disease from spreading, but it wasn’t enough and the Ome tourism board has finally made the difficult decision to cut down all remaining 1,266 trees after its plum festival—the biggest in Kanto—ends this year. The blossoms will be in their peak in mid-March, so catch the beauty while you still can. The tourism board plans to plant new trees to restore the garden, but is not sure how long the rejuvenation will take, or if they will be able to replicate the extensive variety of blossoms they have now.

Ome-shi. Nearest stn: Hinatawada. www.omekanko.gr.jp/ume