November 1 – November 8Get ready for a New Moon that connects you with business partners, companies and large firms. This motivation carries through the week. Mercury energizes the kind of transformation that means money. Your communication is enthusiastic and fits the bill. Ruler Mars enters your creative sector. You’re dynamic, focused, and express your well-earned confidence.
The New Moon makes inroads within a relationship. A long-term commitment has the chance to be revitalized. You’ll feel the meaning as Mercury enters your solar eighth house. Expect a sexy transformation. Ask your inner guidance to bring a comfortable balance. It may help build the bridge to get to the next place on your list.
Geminis have plenty to do. You may find yourself wrapped up in the fun that children and their excitement can bring. Vesta, Dark Moon Lilith, and Juno are all in this sector of your chart. You’re in charge of making sure all goes smoothly. Enjoy the support offered to achieve this. The New Moon brings inspiration at work. Ruler Mercury transits for conversational bliss.
Can’t have too much fun this week? Actually, you can. Mars in your sign revs up for a final burst of energy before it moves to focus on finances. While you may enjoy the chase, the New Moon is all about romance. No time to find someone? Chant a creative mantra to spoil yourself. Mercury transits to fill work with ideas for expansion and potential travel.
The New Moon may reveal a secret. Could it be about where you live? If you’re thinking big, you won’t have long to wait. Mars, which energizes you to hit your target, leaves your sector of dreams. It enters your solar first house, which is where you decide what to do with them. It’s the most personal sector of your chart, reflecting on how you’re seen. Romance ensues.
You move quickly as your thoughts spur you on. Like clouds that hold up a blue sky, you benefit from this week’s New Moon. It creates inspiration for conversations as you attract attention. Keeping your spirit tended as well as your body makes all the difference. Mercury transits to pump up enthusiasm. Your finances begin a healthy overhaul.
This is an important week, where you can get a lot done. The New Moon opens doors. With the cool fall air, you’re still warm and cozy. Vesta and Dark Moon Lilith are in your sign. Juno transits for inspiration around income. They support your original insights and rebel streak. Mercury transits to set your conversational skills on fire. Look for your ideas to take hold.
Scorpios have so much happening, you may find it hard to choose. The Sun in your sign brings highlights. You’re in your Happy Birthday zone! The New Moon is in your sign. It helps merge your inner and outer desires in a manner that satisfies. Mercury transits to wake up finances. Conversations and safe connections top up your income goals.
Sagittarians are power players. You’d rather have fun and freedom. If you must interact, your sporty side wants to win. Not feeling athletic? Inspiration brings the best of competition. The New Moon takes care of this. Dreams and guidance need to be sifted carefully. Complex situations are not in your best interest. Mercury transits to your sign, keeping things simple.
You’re the sign gifted with a grasp of reality. You deal with what will work. Once you have it in hand, it lasts. The New Moon goes undercover to check on groups requesting your attention. Which ones support your goals? Mercury transits to bring dreams to the surface. They start from within, whispered by the angels that keep you going.
What you’ve experienced in your sector of spiritual insights takes shape as you apply it to your career. It’s the approach you use that makes all the difference. The New Moon reveals what is most important and supports who you are. It’s filled with the seductive allure of a secret. Mercury transits as you converse with friends and groups for fun and inspiration.
Your chart is weighted with what you must do. Much of it you’ll do on your own. The exception is all that energy in your solar eighth house. Vesta, Dark Moon Lilith and Juno work towards a smooth transition. The New Moon brings what’s under the surface into the light of day. Mercury transits as dreams show up to highlight your sector of career.