

Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2010 Readers might remember our story on the efforts of Tokyo-based labor organization 21 Seiki Shokugyo Zaidan (aka the Japan Institute of Worker’s Evolution) to improve the welfare of female and part-time workers (issue 845, June 4). Hot on the heels of their folder illustrating the dangers of “power […]


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2010

Readers might remember our story on the efforts of Tokyo-based labor organization 21 Seiki Shokugyo Zaidan (aka the Japan Institute of Worker’s Evolution) to improve the welfare of female and part-time workers (issue 845, June 4). Hot on the heels of their folder illustrating the dangers of “power harassment” comes this anti-sexual harassment file, featuring simple illustrations to enlighten the office big shots about certain not-so-innocent actions in which they might “unthinkingly” engage.


Stop “skinship” (aka body contact). It can be unpleasant to the other person


Stop those burning glances. There doesn’t have to be touching for it to be sexual harassment—nobody likes being stared at


Stop telling sexual jokes. You may think nothing of it, but others find it offensive


Stop gossip. When you pass on sexual rumors about someone, it doesn’t just hurt their reputation, it also puts your integrity in doubt


Stop asking, “So when are you gonna have kids?” That topic can be very painful


Stop abusing your status—“Date me or no raise.” That calls your whole character into question


Stop saving seats. Forcing a girl to sit next to you does not make for a fun nomikai


Stop “forced duets.” There’s nothing more harassing than being forced to sing a duet, so spare some thought for the other person’s feelings


Stop just pretending to listen. It’s your responsibility to always take your employees’ concerns about sexual harassment seriously