Did You Hear About the Morgans?

Did You Hear About the Morgans?

Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2010 It’s possible to make a good romantic comedy. (500) Days of Summer, for example. But this flaccid, by-the-numbers retread may be heading back to film school to provide the basis for “How Not to Make a Rom-Com 101.” Not a cliché is left unturned, no contrivance untried, zero […]


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on March 2010

It’s possible to make a good romantic comedy. (500) Days of Summer, for example. But this flaccid, by-the-numbers retread may be heading back to film school to provide the basis for “How Not to Make a Rom-Com 101.” Not a cliché is left unturned, no contrivance untried, zero chemistry between actors who can do way better (a fluttering Hugh Grant and a shrill Sarah Jessica Parker), obvious foreshadowing, etc. A divorce-bound couple witnesses a murder in NYC, whereupon the Feds place them in a witness (witless?) protection program in Wyoming, where the slower lifestyle rekindles their love. Gag me.