Ari Marcopoulos ‘Against the Current’

Jun 17, 2023 at 11:30am ~ Jun 22, 2023 at 7:00pm

MAKI Gallery is excited to present the works of Brooklyn-based creator Ari Marcopoulos in his newest exhibition, ‘Against the Current’.

Featuring photographs that expertly capture the truth of a subject, Marcopoulos draws us in with these authentic and poignant moments from life.

Marcopoulos is most known for his photographic works documenting American subcultures, including local artists, musicians, skateboarders, and snowboarders. Although his subjects change, Marcopoulos’s intention remains consistent: capturing subjects’ lives as they are, in that very moment, without dramatization or commercialization.

While the exhibited works may initially appear simple, some create a sense of alienation for viewers by capturing the many intangible aspects of our lives – like subtle atmospheric shifts in specific locations. Take the artwork “Aura” as an example, where the photographed subject remains ambiguous, hinting at an existence beyond our understanding.

Marcopoulos’ pieces are born from a sincere connection between the artist and subject. Resulting images capture personal intimacy without unnecessary exaggeration or exploitation, serving as a refreshingly candid portrayal of different lives.

Don’t miss a chance to experience Marcopoulos’ mesmerizing works at ‘Against the Current’ this July.

Admission: Free



Start: Jun 17th 2023 at 11:30am

End: Jun 22nd 2023 at 7:00pm