What is Jam? “Vol. 1 – New Dawn”
Aug 11, 2022 at 5:00pm ~ Aug 11, 2022 at 11:00pm
- Event details
August 11th (Thursday / Holiday) What is Jam? “Vol. 1 – New Dawn”
Open 17:00 / Close 23:00
Under 23 ¥ 1300 (+ 1D ¥ 700) * There is no advance sale.
Advance ¥ 3300 (+ 1D ¥ 700)
Door ¥ 4300 (+ 1D ¥ 700)
* Minors can enter. Please bring your ID with a photo
《 Advance ticket 》
◎ Contact Online (Zaiko) https://contacttokyo.zaiko.io/item/349715
◎ e + https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/3670340001-P0030001P021001?P1=1221
◎ iFlyer https://iflyer.tv/event/342980/
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SHAG ( SUGIZO [g], KenKen [b], Kazuhiro Bessho [key], Chinobu Matsuura [dr]) -Live
The Free Nation -Live
Masayasu Tzboguchi
“A vibrant live jam series full of musical diversity and possibilities will be held”
“I want to foster an improvisational music scene in Japan” -Top musicians respond to SUGIZO’s dream. Receiving the desire for realistic connections that is occurring in various parts of Japan, we have systematized a scene where a wide range of music gathers across genres.
The first event to announce the dawn will be held on “Mountain Day”!
A jam band is a music scene that took place in the United States in the 1960s, featuring frequent live album releases that began in the Grateful Dead and a unique concert format. They had a long improvisational “jam” during the concert. These include long improvisations to rhythms and chords, and long music sets that transcend genre boundaries. Jam band artists play a wide variety of genres, including blues, country music, contemporary folk music, funk, progressive rock, world music, jazz fusion, southern rock, alternative block, acid jazz, bluegrass, and folk in the 1990s. The word “jam band” was applied to artists who incorporated genres such as rock and electronic music into their sound.
The jam band scene, which is currently talked about as a live music scene in the United States, remains strong. Twenty years after the change of generations, we will respect the formation of jam bands in the United States and establish a jam band scene as a unique improvisational music scene born from the soil of Japan. Naturally, it is expected that the current scenes of Japanese rock, jazz, funk, electronic music, etc. will be fused and developed into a culture unique to Japan in the future.
The biggest feature is that it is different from other events in that it has a concept of improvisation of music and a jam band that incorporates all genres. In the live set, SUGIZO’s psychedelic jam band SHAG will appear in a four-member group. The jazz rock style reminiscent of Electric Miles develops from the space created by the four-member group to a new jam. The Free Nation, which was just formed this year around TOKU, which was well received on the Billboard Live Tokyo / Osaka tour in April, will showcase a wide range of musicality and improvisation across jazz and pop. HATAKEN, a leader in the modular synth world, and Masayasu Tzboguchi, a keyboard magician, will participate in the DJ set. At the end of the game, a set of jam sessions will be set up with SUGIZO as the host, in which all the performers will participate in a mixed manner. It is expected that SUGIZO’s guitar, TOKU’s flugelhorn, Masayasu Tzboguchi’s keyboard, and HATAKEN’s modular synth will generate improvisational chemistry and create a magical moment that can only be seen for a moment.
Start: Aug 11th 2022 at 5:00pm
End: Aug 11th 2022 at 11:00pm