Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on January 2014

The term “sports restaurant” usually refers to places where people gob down fries and nachos while watching the big game, but some are actually eateries with a focus on fitness. Urban athletes can find the perfect meal in Roppongi Hills’ Total Workout Cafe (6-4-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-5414-1877. www.totalworkout.jp). The healthy diner offers high-protein, low-fat, low-sugar curry, pasta and other dishes for people on a regulated diet, as well as post-workout protein shakes. Their Japanese-style pasta (¥850; pictured) is made with whole wheat noodles and lean chicken… Shibuya’s Nodo (8F Seibu Shibuya A Bldg, 21-1 Utagawa, Shibuya-ku. Tel: 03-3780-3119. www.nodo-diet.com) helps calorie-counters by putting the numbers right on the menu and keeping everything below the 500 mark—while making them appear sinfully good. For more on fitness, see our feature.