Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on April 2014

For the first few years, the Kids Land at Japan’s preeminent rock festival was a bit of an afterthought. But as the audience has aged, the area has come into its own. A large, covered area with minders keeps wee ones from catching cold in Niigata prefecture’s torrential rains. It includes space for diaper changing and nursing—but remember to bring your own diapers. And when the sun shines there are activities galore, including a giant log suspended high in the forest that adventurous kids can climb and swing from. It goes without saying that Fuji Rock is probably the safest large rock festival in the world (there are even washrooms set aside for families)—and the best thing about it is kids under 10 get into the event for free.
July 25-27, Naeba Ski Resort, Niigata.