Horoscope July 7 – July 14

Horoscope July 7 – July 14

See what's in the stars for you


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love♥   ¥ Money¥   ♣ Luck

Horoscope July 7 – July 14

March 20 – April 18


You shine in all work matters. Mars transits to bring you energy to reach your goals and targets. Your edge is in your ability to be specific. A bonus from the stars is the movement of Mercury. It glides into your solar fifth house. In this position, you’re a natural communicator, especially with children and creative types. You are recognized as the powerhouse you are.

April 19 – May 19


Your creative instincts are nurtured by deep, earthy spaces. It’s important for a Taurus to have something to hold onto. The physical realm is where you excel. You could enjoy sculpting, digging a garden, or simply owning as much as possible (preferably art and real estate). Mars transits to add romance to your list. Mercury moves to get conversations sorted out at home.

May 20– June 20


Conversations this week may center on where and how you live. If there are changes to be made, expansion or replacements, now is the time to look at the details. Considerations are easier as Mars moves to this sector of your chart. This planet adds energy which is like money at this point. Mercury also transits, bringing warm conversations with those you love best.

June 21 – July 21


Your time is valuable and others must respect this. Juno in your sign is organized to give you support in how you feel. Is there someone or a situation that fits this description? If not, Mars enters your conversational sector. You can advocate for yourself. Mercury transits to influence your words around income. The Sun in Cancer brings more time for a Happy Birthday!

July 22 – August 22


Pallas Athene and Mars meet at the same degree in Leo. Let yourself revel in their combined forces. They offer you double the energy to do something wildly original. Then Mars enters your solar second house. The focus moves to income. Mercury transits to your sign. It’s ready to dive into details. If you’re a writer or performer, you may notice you take center stage this week.

August 23 – September 21


The focus this week is a gift of energy, especially for Virgos. Mars moves into your sign. This planet likes to stand up for what it believes. It loves the thrill of moving forward. It doesn’t wait around. How would anything get done? Your mind may work double time. Mercury transits into your dream sector. Go ahead, read and journal. Give yourself extra rest and sleep.

September 22 – October 22


Venus as your ruling planet makes you a popular figure. The trend towards serenity and appreciation of all that’s beautiful is a part of this. Of course, staying in balance is a lot of work, especially if you’re helping others. Mars is your counterpart, adding energy and often playing devil’s advocate. It sparks up your dreams. Mercury transits to bring chatty friends closer.

October 23 – November 21


The cosmos may show up for you this week. With so much energy in your solar ninth house, events can occur to connect education, travel, and special insights. There may be a layer that seems spiritual. The Sun, Juno, Mercury and Dark Moon Lilith are tapped in to bring it forward. Mars amplifies action in your friendships. Then Mercury transits to speak for your career.

November 22 – December 20


The surface smooths out for Sagittarians. You may think there’s more to be done, but it looks good to others. You make connections with a quick, executive approach. Mars transits to help you feel motivated as you take the actions of your choice. Mercury transits to bring clarity in your career. You prefer to move forward unimpeded and may feel more of that this week.

December 21 – January 18


Calm, cool and collected is how others see you, whether you feel that way or not. You have the benefit of two planets transiting to assist your interests. Mars moves to bring a burst of energy, especially when it comes to working as a team. Mercury enters your solar eighth house. It’s sexy, deals with what’s happening now, and realizes what you share boosts you as well as others.

January 19 – February 17


Does a project appear to be taking forever? You haven’t really lost much time. It may seem like it, but you’ll catch up. As you surpass what you’re aiming for, it feels great. Mars transits to activate your solar eighth house. It’s sexy and transformative. It deals with large organizations that have influence and money. Mercury adds its clarity within an important relationship.

February 18-March 19


The Moon in Pisces early this week lifts you through wonders of your wild world. Energy follows, which is always a hint to make use of it. If you feel called to step out of your routine, or structure it in a way that works better for you, you’re in luck. Mars transits to take action within a relationship. Mercury moves to join Venus and Pallas Athene as you stand out at work.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani