Horoscope October 6 – October 13

Horoscope October 6 – October 13

See what's in the stars for you


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love♥   ¥ Money¥   ♣ Luck

Horoscope October 6 – October 13

March 20 – April 18


Mars offers energy, focus, and action. It’s also your ruling planet. It completes its transit through your sector of long-term commitments. If you’re in a personal or business relationship, you’ll soon be looking at the next step. Venus enters your work sector. An upgrade in décor may be on your mind. Pluto moves direct to strengthen your position and progress it within your career.

April 19 – May 19


Jupiter and Uranus are retrograde in your sign. If you have plans, you may choose to go over the details. Sifting through what works and what will be put aside may feel like not much is happening. To help things along, ruling planet Venus enters your sector of creativity, including romance and what is spent on scenic beauty. Pluto goes direct to create safe boundaries.

May 20– June 20


You’re in alignment with so much around you. Ruler Mercury has entered your solar fifth house. When this happens, conversations border on the innovative and romantic. Using your creative spirit to spice up your week brings satisfaction. Venus enhances life at home. Projects add a luxurious layer as you settle into comfort. Pluto goes direct to make this week a sexy one.

June 21 – July 21


Vesta in Cancer understands just what you need. This asteroid goddess keeps the feeling of caring within as you receive the sustenance to keep going. Your spirit is alive and well, and very much appreciated. Venus enters your conversational sector this week. Let the luxury of your well-placed words begin. Pluto goes direct. Relationships straighten out and teamwork sparkles.

July 22 – August 22


Leos are ablaze with powerhouse planets in your sign. Juno, Ceres and Venus amp up each positive quality you enjoy possessing. Then Venus transits to your solar second house. This increases your odds of receiving anything from a bonus, a room with a view, or an unexpected gift. Purchases may be more pricey. Pluto goes direct for a work life that endures.

August 23 – September 21


While it looks like things are open and clear, they could get even better. Venus, goddess of love, luxury and all things beautiful, transits to your sign. This is a bonus and a relief for Virgos who have been on a spartan diet of dedication. Go ahead and let yourself sink into a moment of comfort. Pluto goes direct. You’ll soon be able to enjoy the choices you have worked for.

September 22 – October 22


The Sun is in Libra. If you were born this week, Happy Birthday! You are moving to a whole new level. Expectations tend to match what one thinks is achievable. This is often bolstered by what’s in your environment. Librans now see entire realms of possibilities. Ruler Venus enters your house of dreams. Pluto moves direct at home base. Money and stature is on its way in.

October 23 – November 21


Scorpio may have a week others long for. Ceres in your sign is just getting started. You can move through challenges in your own inimitable way. There are tangible rewards for being you. Mars, the Sun, Pallas Athene and Mercury are in your solar twelfth house. Be sure to dream big. Venus moves to make friendships a joy. Pluto goes direct. Finally, great minds think alike!

November 22 – December 20


Feel like your schedule may lift a little? Want to take a walk just to bring nature back into your life? Sagittarians have recently pushed themselves to their limits. You couldn’t comfortably say ‘No’. Everything may have had an equal priority. Now it’s time for you. Venus transits to fluff up your nest through career. Pluto goes direct. Believe in your finances. They’re about to grow.

December 21 – January 18


Venus brings encouragement for education and travel goals. A Capricorn is unlikely to say, ‘Too much time, so little to do.’ That’s not how you roll. If something needs to be taken care of, you move things forward. Pluto has been retrograde in your sign. This is like having to drive a vehicle backwards to get anywhere. It now moves direct. You can see where you’re going.

January 19 – February 17


Juno, Dark Moon Lilith and Venus have been in your house of partnership. They’re a powerful trio, bringing subtlety of the yin feminine into your awareness. This includes long-term relationships and those in a business sense. Venus travels to your solar eighth house. You may notice more comfort around you. Pluto goes direct. Sense your dreams as they break on through.

February 18-March 19


Others in a tizzy, but you’re feeling fine? Be the role model they need to know exists. Pisces are porous in their environment, with a tendency to co-vibrate. Rather than letting others’ auric fields impinge on yours, catch yourself in real time. Breathe your energy into focus. Venus transits with a focus on relationships. Pluto goes direct. Friendships come back as the support you enjoy.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani