Japanese for Summer

Japanese for Summer

How to express your hot-weather desires


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on August 2014

Summer is the season of beer, fireworks, kakigori (shaved ice) and bon odori dance festivals. So throw on your yukata, get out in the sun and use “-tai desu” to express a few of your hot-weather desires!


JP: Watashi wa beeru wo nomitai desu.

EN: I want to drink some beer.

JP: Beeru wa oishii desu-ne. Edamame mo tabetai desu.

EN: Beer tastes great, doesn’t it? I want to eat some edamame, too.


JP: O-matsuri de kakigori wo tabetai desu.

EN: I want to eat some shaved ice at the festival.

JP: Hanabi taikai ni iku node yukata wo kitai desu.

EN: I’m going to see fireworks, so I want to wear a yukata.

Lesson by Meros Language School (www.meros.jp)