January 29, 2009
Meet Markets
From nightclubs to dance lessons to, um, wax museums, locals offer their tips on where to find a date in Tokyo
By Metropolis
Deaf to the pleas of science, most Japanese people continue to insist on a correlation between blood type and personality. Not that Westerners don’t have their share of superstitions (see Horoscope, p. 57), but Japan takes it to a new level, as anyone who’s been asked for their ketsueki-gata at a job interview or on a first date can attest.
Are you a Type O? Then apparently you’re a self-confident socialite with lots of creative juices.
Does A course through your veins? You must be an outwardly shy, ultra-organized perfectionist.
Bs are supposedly ambitious, dependable leaders of the pack.
And then there are the ABs—the wild cards of the group, with split personalities. They can be at times sensitive and efficient, but only on their terms—which is why they didn’t crack the top five in an online list of the Most Compatible Match-ups according to blood type.
Source: Momo Cafe Relationship Compatibility Site