March 3, 2010
Ninja Assassin
Originally published on on March 2010 OK, people who pay money to see a movie so named are not expecting great art, but this ultraviolence-for-its-own-sake gore-fest takes the pink potato. A rogue former member of an evil, child-abducting, contract-killing ninja clan seeks revenge, yada yada, and engages in endless acrobatic but unmemorable one-against-dozens battles. […]
By Metropolis
Originally published on on March 2010
OK, people who pay money to see a movie so named are not expecting great art, but this ultraviolence-for-its-own-sake gore-fest takes the pink potato. A rogue former member of an evil, child-abducting, contract-killing ninja clan seeks revenge, yada yada, and engages in endless acrobatic but unmemorable one-against-dozens battles. Heads roll, limbs are severed, bodies are bisected. On the plus side, the fight scenes are all dimly lit, making it easier to nap, and Korean pop star Rain’s acting abilities mesh well with his character’s training to feel nothing. Incomprehensively edited, possibly with a shuriken.