Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2014
Expat comedy group the Pirates of Tokyo Bay is joined by American outfit Improv America for a special bilingual show in Ebisu. POTB says the night will consist of a joint show of games, scenes and hilarity. The Pirates are currently riding high, having just been chosen to travel to NYC to represent Japan along with some of the better comedy groups from around the world, where they plan to experiment with their long-form game. The sister group of the Pirates of the Dotombori (POTD), which was founded in 2005 in Osaka, the Kanto Pirates have been performing since 2010, and style themselves Kanto’s only bilingual improv comedy group—giving them the edge in appealing to both foreign and Japanese audiences at the same time.
Jul 13, What the Dickens. See stage listings for details.