Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on September 2011
Now that publisher Kodansha International has closed its doors, rival English-language publisher Tuttle has stepped up to the plate with their latest guide book Getting Around Tokyo: Pocket Atlas and Transportation Guide. They’re hoping to fill the void left by Kodansha’s venerable take-everywhere almanac, Japan Atlas: A Bilingual Guide. However, the too-big-for-any-pocket book appears to target tourists more than bilingual residents, with an included folded map focused on the central areas of the city, info about getting in from the airport, day trip details and transport advice. And it has no index. Nevertheless, it is attractively designed and might be something to bundle into the arms of visitors—especially if they don’t have a smart phone (can you say Google Maps?).
¥1,600, in major bookstores and Amazon.co.jp from Sep 13.