Return of Cinnabon

Return of Cinnabon

Frosting on the beater


Originally published on on November 2012

“Life needs frosting” and a hell of a lot of it according to Cinnabon, which officially begins its second attempt on the Japanese market on November 15 in Roppongi. The Seattle-based cinnamon-roll franchise, which has over 900 stores in 51 countries, was initially a hit here back in 1999 thanks more to its novelty value than to widespread approval. With its bombs of sugar and cinnamon, the store eventually overwhelmed customers’ taste buds and the chain withdrew from Japan altogether in 2009. This time, however, Cinnabon is back (much like the recent successful returns to Japan of Burger King and Wendy’s) with a revamped menu in tandem with Seattle’s Best Coffee (Starbuck’s working-class subsidiary), who will be on hand to neutralise the sweetness.