Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2013

Join Swedes and other Nordic folk for a selection of Scandinavian treats, traditional mulled wine and handicrafts at this outdoor charity fair. Saint Lucia, patron saint of the blind, brings light (via a crown adorned with candles) and song to the festivities alongwith a children’s choir of taernor, stjaerngossar and other unpronouncable characters. Organized by SWEA, a Swedish women’s group with chapters all over the world, all proceeds from the market will go to the rebuilding of the Tohoku area.
Dec 1, 11am-4pm, ¥500. Embassy Of Sweden, 1-10-3-100 Roppongi. Nearest stn: Roppongi-Itchome or Kamiyacho. Tel: 03-5562-5050. www.swedenabroad.com/en-GB/Embassies/Tokyo