Tokyo Photo

Tokyo Photo

Originally published on on September 2013 Asia’s largest photo fair celebrates half a decade with a sprawling four-day affair at Zozo-ji temple located at the foot of Tokyo Tower. Among the highlights are a collaboration with London’s Tate Modern featuring the work of Simon Baker, and an intriguing-sounding show entitled “Japan and China: One […]


Originally published on on September 2013

Asia’s largest photo fair celebrates half a decade with a sprawling four-day affair at Zozo-ji temple located at the foot of Tokyo Tower. Among the highlights are a collaboration with London’s Tate Modern featuring the work of Simon Baker, and an intriguing-sounding show entitled “Japan and China: One Hundred Children of the Future.” Also with a Japanese theme are the works of Yoram Roth, a Berlin-based photographer who uses the language of fashion photography to tell imagined stories, in the most recent case one apparently involving lovelorn geisha and mad painters.

Tokyo Photo, Sep 27-30. Zozo-ji Temple, 4-7-35 Shibakoen Minato-ku
Nearest station: Shibakoen.