Mar 21-Apr 20
With a Super Full Moon in October, November and December to come, those who step up to the plate are rewarded. This is a soul incarnation unlike any other. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have something special to offer. The stars remind that you are gifted and heartfelt. Mercury and Neptune are both direct, meaning your inspirations can be heard and understood.
Apr 21-May 21
Speaking of Super Full Moons, do you feel you’ve had enough of them lately? There’s another one coming, so you may as well accept what’s larger than life. This includes your schedule, which is probably too busy to absorb or remember. However, note that everyone else travels the same stellar tracks! Stay on the train—just get to a more cozy compartment.
May 22-Jun 21
Feeling neutral? It’s unlikely. The stellium of Super Full Moons won’t let that happen! In October, November, and soon in December as well, they create a final flourish for the signature of this year. With the Sun opposite Gemini, you’ll walk a steady path, as long as you’re true to yourself. It’s unlikely you would do otherwise, as your heart and your head are in agreement this week!
Jun 22-Jul 23
As your focus turns to home, family and children (when is it ever not?), you can see what the last days of November have in store. The Super Full Moons of this month and last have rearranged just enough for you to enjoy the next one coming soon! It’s all being played out on a large scale, not always comfortable for privacy-loving Cancer. Stay true to yourself; you’ll earn respect!
Jul 24-Aug 23
Whew! Without a map of the future, you’ve had to be in the moment. The Super Full Moons of last month and this are nothing compared to what’s coming soon. Due to their intensity, they can undo your plans—if you can remember what they were, what with all the interruptions! If you have a position, restate it and hold on. Things will come to balance with your foresight and tenacity.
Aug 24-Sep 23
With a Super Full Moon last month and this, did you log in your observations? No detail is too tiny, as another Super Full Moon prepares its arrival. Note that small acts and thoughts can mobilize big shifts when you stay in your place of gratitude. Life at home is about to be the upbeat place you thought might never happen. An especially welcome change for the holidays!
Sep 24-Oct 23
An interesting turn of events is about to come into play! You may be thinking, “Haven’t there been enough?” The Super Full Moon in October and November were a preparation for the very next step—and Super Full Moon—which arrives in just a few weeks! In the meantime, enjoy the Moon in Libra as Friday takes hold. You’re in your element; you may feel you’re finally “home”!
Oct 24-Nov 22
Time to implement your schedule. You can be precise, effective and feel a real sense of satisfaction. The Super Full Moons of last month and this have brought challenges. All of which you have handled expertly! The next one is in just a couple of weeks. Not what you may have chosen for a vacation, but certainly the pay-off is going to be big! Focus and go.
Nov 23-Dec 22
Someone may be scrambling your brain waves. Oh wait, that’s the approaching Super Full Moon coming soon! The last two, in October and this month, proved you can keep going. The next one, well, just hang on! In the meantime, the majority of what needs to be done, you can handle. Or it already has been taken care of. You are outgrowing your hesitation to move in better circles.
Dec 23-Jan 20
The constancy of your surroundings is supposed to be soothing, but does it somehow just keep getting in the way? You’ll enjoy the fact that you’ve skipped through the Super Full Moons in October and November, and are now on the precipice of the next one in a couple of weeks. Your preparation was worth it. The clear-out of the past makes room for a very large future on its way.
Jan 21-Feb 19
There are earth-shattering events, and then there are, well, more of them. A lot has to do with how you direct your energies. This includes your thoughts. If everything that happens is to bring something more to light, you can handle each and every minute. The last two Super Full Moons of October and this month have prepared you well for the next one in just a few weeks!
Feb 20-Mar 20
Every choice you have made has led you to this moment, including the ones chosen for you. The results of your dance with the universe (as it throws events your way) has brought you to where you are now. Is your goal to survive? Thrive? Laugh in the midst of it all? The Super Full Moons of October and November have merged energies to prepare you for the next one—coming soon! Take heart.