Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2013

Pan-Asianism gets a new boost in musical form when masters from six Southeast Asian countries join Japanese maestros in a concert to celebrate ties between ASEAN nations and Japan. A cast of 12 has been touring Asia with a program that grew out of a workshop conducted under the leadership of musical director Michiru Oshima, a composer for Godzilla scores among others. With the goal of forging something new from the musical traditions of each nation, the group includes Vietnamese dulcimer master Mai Lien, Cambodian dancer and drummer Channa and Burmese percussionist Bo Thu Rain along with several other virtuosos of local folk traditions.
Dec 18, 7pm, ¥5,000. Bunkamura Orchard Hall. Nearest stn: Shibuya. Tel: 03-3477-9999. http://drums-and-voices.jp/en