Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Don's take on the Rotter's eighth episode


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on July 2011

Let’s cut to the chase. This epic, apocalyptic final chapter is the best of the decade-long, eight-movie, once-in-a-generation franchise. It’s well paced, lovingly photographed, stays true to the story, runs just long enough, and is deeply satisfying. The three central actors have matured along with the series, as have their acting skills, and kudos to Ralph Fiennes! So farewell, Harry, Hermione, Ron and all you wonderfully imagined and flawlessly rendered Wizards and Muggles; it’s been a wicked good ride. Don’t miss this one. Not a fan? It very nearly stands on its own. Better in 2D. (130 min)