Haruna Miyashita

Haruna Miyashita



Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2009


Where are you from and where do you live?
Actually, I still live in a small town in northern Chiba, on the way to Narita.

How did you learn English?
Mainly through a course of EFL study in Japan and having foreign friends. I have also traveled a bit to North Africa and the Middle East.

How did you get into photography?
Photography is just something that has always been there for me, always around in the background. My family has always loved photography and the arts, so perhaps it was just natural that I followed on.

Who are some of your influences?
No one, really. I think my own style of photography has developed without noticeable influence from others.

Your photography has started to appear more and more in English-language newspapers and magazines here in Tokyo…
I work primarily for [travel website] Japan-i, but have also appeared in Eye-Ai several times, The Japan Times and J-Select.

Photo by Haruna Miyashita

Photo by Haruna Miyashita

Where do you like to hang out?
I like many areas in Tokyo, especially some of the older districts in Asakusa and the shitamachi areas. I also like Gaienmae—less of a downtown area but nice all the same.

Where did the title of your latest exhibition, “Water into Wine,” come from?
From the biblical reference of Jesus turning water into wine and the obvious concept of such a change being an improvement on the original. A writer I work with suggested [the title] based on a shot of me underwater, and the improvement in my own images of late.

Which direction do you see Japanese photography moving in?
Film—so many people in Japan are looking at the oft-forgotten beauty of film imagery. In that regard, black-and-white shots are becoming big again, and people are appreciating the grainy feel film can often offer. Over in Europe, in large part, it is more about clarity and vivid colors of late—almost the exact opposite of the state of play here in Japan.

TY Harbor Brewery
Haruna Miyashita. Water Into Wine. Photography. Until Nov 23, free. 2-1-3 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku. Tel: 03-5479-4555. Open daily 11:30am-10:30pm. Nearest stn: Tennozu Isle. www.tyharborbrewing.co.jp