Horoscope September 1 – September 8

Horoscope September 1 – September 8

See what's in the stars for you


It’s In The Stars Weekly Horoscope 

♥ Love♥   ¥ Money¥   ♣ Luck

Horoscope September 1 – September 8

March 20 – April 18


Venus moves direct in your house of romance, which makes all your efforts smooth. Also more beautiful, delicious, and expensive. But then again, how often is Venus in this position? You can make it all up later after a sunset glow. Jupiter, which governs publishing, travel, and expansion, goes retrograde. Time to catch your breath and reflect on how big you want to go.

April 19 – May 19


Two astrological events could catch your attention. Ruling planet Venus goes direct. This is like taking a deep sigh of relief and sinking into your favorite comfy chair. She brings beautiful  sunrises and colors your sunsets with inspiration. Jupiter, making things larger, is in your sign. It moves retrograde. There is time to consider your efforts vs. the results you deserve.

May 20– June 20


You can have it all. So much seeks your attention, you may ask someone to help carry it. What comes your way entices. Venus goes direct. She wants you embraced in the most beautiful surroundings, looking great and feeling better. Her position gives you the ability to be heard on a large scale. Jupiter goes retrograde. It governs your dreams and how they are growing.

June 21 – July 21


You move fast with a force that keeps you steady. Moments of reset are important. Feel at a standstill from time to time? It’s a requirement, as you have a tendency to go deep. Venus moves direct, which is an asset in your income sector. You may make an investment which acquires value. Jupiter goes retrograde. This equates to big plans which the universe puts on delay.

July 22 – August 22


As Venus moves direct in Leo, life becomes more beautiful. You may find art and treasures searching for you around every corner. Investing when Venus is direct can bring a return down the road. Jupiter goes retrograde. This planet of expansion and opportunity could encourage you to hold on to what you have for a while. You’ll have a lot to choose from.

August 23 – September 21


Virgos see beauty when things run well. Whether it’s plans and objectives or events with results, you know being organized makes all the difference. Venus moves direct this week in your solar twelfth house. This is when you let yourself dream. Love and desire are the fuel and motivation. Jupiter goes retrograde. You may experience a bit of lag time. Enjoy the windows that open.

September 22 – October 22


There’s a lot going on in your solar twelfth house. Dreams may take shape, complete with details. The Sun, Mercury, and Pallas Athene watch over this part of your chart. Mars in your sign sharpens your focus. Venus, your ruling planet, moves direct. If you are expecting your finances to upgrade, they may begin. Jupiter goes retrograde. Big plans are not advised – as yet.

October 23 – November 21


If friends offer answers, they may have ideas worth hearing. The Sun, Mercury, and Pallas Athene energize get-togethers to move things forward. Venus goes direct this week. This goddess of what’s most deluxe is in your career sector. She brings an aura of authority with confidence in your actions. Jupiter moves retrograde. A leap forward may be on hold.

November 22 – December 20


Sagittarians often have boundless enthusiasm, but life still offers dips and curves. It may be an unexpected response from someone, or the need for a little breathing space. Venus goes direct this week. Definitely time to cash in on a comfortable upgrade. If it shows up, be sure to enjoy it. Jupiter, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. There may be a few weeds to untangle in your trek.

December 21 – January 18


If you have the good fortune to be traveling, thank your lucky stars. The Sun, Mercury and Pallas Athene add an extra dose of interest and comfort. Venus, the goddess of love, luxury and money goes direct. Joint accounts and negotiations with financial firms stack up in your favor. Jupiter moves retrograde. What is supposed to happen now waits for an auspicious moment.

January 19 – February 17


Looking for something new and different? You may have found it. The Sun, Mercury and Pallas Athene bring details to your transformation brigade. You are likely to go through some changes. In a relationship? Your loved one could kick-start these actions. Venus moves direct in your partnership sector. A pleasant realm awaits. Jupiter goes retrograde. Plans may slow down a bit. 

February 18-March 19


The astrological weight this week is basically in your solar seventh house. The Sun, Mercury, and Pallas Athene open doors to communicate what’s needed. Whether in a relationship or on your own, transformative events have arrived. Venus goes direct. This influences your work and is known for its generous gifts. Jupiter moves retrograde. Conversations may impact.

Illustrations by wynettaceasarani