
May 24 – May 31
aries March 20 ~ April 18

Mars transits to the more complex degrees of your sign. Your confidence amps up as you ace your own tests. The more you complete, the more satisfied you feel. Then somehow, you’re free of a desire to prove yourself. Mars connects with Chiron. Your loose ends are tied up with a bow. Venus and Jupiter inspire people to seek you out. Your opinions are held in high regard.

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taurus April 19 ~ May 19

Your dreams are about to crowd around and spill into your everyday life. While that may seem like fun, it can be a lot of responsibility. Watching them and making sure they manifest in their best attire is work. Venus and Jupiter end up leaving your sign. This is your chance to turn on the financial charm. They’ll be in your income sector for a while – especially Jupiter.

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gemini May 20 ~ June 20

There are so many things to look forward to. Venus is in your sign. This goddess of all things desirable just entered Gemini. For the next few weeks, her influence is focused on you. Then Jupiter joins in. This is considered a beneficial, even lucky transit. Jupiter is known for expanding events and the good fortune in your life. Happy Birthday to Geminis born this week!

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cancer June 21 ~ July 21

Moving in harmony with the energy around you is a tricky goal. There are interruptions and obstacles out of the blue. As it turns out, they’re part of the plan. At the time, they may seem uninvited. Yet to complete the greater picture, they need to show up. Venus has moved to your house of dreams. Jupiter enters this sector, too. Dream big and beyond. Your power is within.

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leo July 22 ~ August 22

The hard work you have put into your career pays off. It shows up as Venus enters your solar eleventh house of group associations. Your contributions are observed with respect. The goddess of love and beauty offers opportunities that recognition can bring. Jupiter transits to join Venus for a comfortable expansion. The good fortune that follows gives about a year to build on.

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virgo August 23 ~ September 21

The underpinnings of stability are available. This comes from the strengthening energy in your solar ninth house. Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter combine forces as you view your options. Venus has entered your career sector with charm and allure to be enjoyed. Jupiter follows. The potential for a luxurious expansion may be expensive.

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libra September 22 ~ October 22

Libra, it’s your call. Ruling planet Venus makes headway this week. As the goddess transits to your solar ninth house, you get a glimpse into your infinite possibilities. As long as you take care of Venus, focusing on what makes life beautiful, others support you and your gifts. Jupiter joins in to expand things. Think big, bold and expensive when it comes to your interests.

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scorpio October 23 ~ November 21

Relationships take time and energy, even if you’re only thinking of one. Looking at the pros and cons maybe on your mind. Mercury and Uranus are in this sector of your chart, flipping your thoughts back and forth. Whether you are available or just considering, Venus transits to offer a preview of the upside. Then Jupiter moves to expand all the options.

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sagittarius November 22 ~ December 20

Sagittarians move forward as schedules expand. No time to be distracted or a hope to be bored. Energizing your ideas into the world sustains you. Your efforts attract changes. You may wonder how you’ll include everything without putting the brakes on. Venus and ruling planet Jupiter transit this week. They focus on partnership and your inner guru to let big things happen.

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capricornus December 21 ~ January 18

There’s so much you may be thinking of, and each step may have a question mark. Pluto in your solar second house creates waves with income. Possessions and what you value could undergo a shift. It’s all connected to your work. Venus moves into this sector of your chart. You’re about to enjoy luxury and its higher costs. Jupiter joins in, bringing you a visionary quality.

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aquarius January 19 ~ February 17

Aquarians tend to be a step ahead, distracted in a good way by what could be. Whether it’s humanitarian causes or technological breakthroughs, investing your energy makes things better. This week you are rewarded. Venus, goddess of love, money and beauty heightens your creative approach, especially around romance. Jupiter transits to make things so big you can’t miss them.

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pisces February 18 ~ March 19

You have everything going for you. Uranus and Mercury in your house of communication tap your genius center. Letting your ideas and connections flow through gets results. Keeping boundaries gives you time to check in with potential reactions. Venus and Jupiter transit. They help to beautify and expand your home life in accordance with your desires.

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c. Cathryn Moe 2024