Jah Shaka

Jah Shaka

Word of Jah from the Zulu King


Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on November 2012

With 40 years of dub sound system mastery behind him, Jah Shaka isn’t getting any younger. But the DJ and MC also isn’t slowing down. The self-styled “King of the Zulus” played a marathon set at last year’s Glastonbury music festival, and now he’s on tap for a midnight-to-dawn set in Daikanyama. One of the earliest immigrant Jamaican sound system operators in England, Shaka emerged out of the black power movement and has remained true to his Rastafarian roots, declaiming from behind his decks like a minister from the pulpit. Domestic reggae chanteuse Likkle Mai prepares the stage with a DJ set.

Unit, Nov 24.