December 12, 2022
Japan Drugstore Guide: Women’s Health
Find out about the best medicines for menstruation, available in Japanese pharmacies
That time of the month. On the rag. Lady business. Period. We’ve come up with a lot of words to describe menstruation. According to recent estimates, half of all women worldwide are of reproductive age, and coping while “on the rag” can be difficult, especially with a language barrier in Japan. So, we have compiled a list of the most recommended brands of medications to ease discomfort during your period. As always, this article is not intended to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. All prices listed are before tax and are accurate as of August 2022.
Eve A EX and Eve Quick DX

Summary: These medications are the top recommended brand by drug store employee’s. Many of the drug store medications for menstruation will often contain the kanji 生理痛 (seiritsuu) located somewhere on the box. This means that they can be used for pain or cramping during that time of the month. Additionally, both of these medications help with muscle pain, stiffness, toothaches, fever and sore throat. Eve Quick DX contains magnesium to speed up the absorption of the active ingredients that help with pain.
Price: From left to right, ¥598 (20 pills) and ¥1080 (20 pills)
EVE A EX: Take 2 tablets at the same time with lukewarm water, 2 times a day (4 pills total). The box mentions that you should wait at least 6 hours between doses and avoid fasting while on this medication. This medication is for children and adults aged 15 and older.
EVE Quick DX: Take 2 tablets at the same time, 2 times a day (4 pills total). The box mentions that you should wait at least 6 hours between doses. This medication is for children and adults aged 15 and older.
Considerations: Store this medication in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
Bufferin Luna i and Bufferin Premium

Summary: Both boxes indicate that they are drugs that work quickly and effectively for menstrual cramps and headaches. Additionally they can be used for tooth pain, muscle pain, sprains, ear aches and stiffness.
Price: From left to right, ¥570 (20 pills) and ¥980 (20 pills)
Bufferin Luna i: Take 2 tablets at a time, 3 times per day with lukewarm water (6 tablets total). The box mentions to wait at least 4 hours between doses and to avoid fasting while on this medication. This medication is for children and adults aged 15 and older.
Bufferin Premium: Take 2 tablets at a time, 3 times per day with lukewarm water (6 tablets total). The box mentions to wait at least 4 hours between doses and to avoid fasting while on this medication. This medication is for children and adults aged 15 and older.
Considerations: The box of Bufferin Premium mentions that you should not drive or operate machinery while on this medication. Store both of these medications in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Summary: This medication helps with headache and menstrual cramps. Additionally, it helps with muscle pain, ear aches, stiffness, sore throat and joint pain.
Price: ¥568 (84 tablets)
Dose: The box indicates an upper daily limit of 2 tablets, 3 times per day (6 tablets total). They should be taken with lukewarm water and not taken on an empty stomach. The box also indicates that each dose should be at least 4 hours apart. This medication is for children and adults aged 15 and older.
Considerations: Store this medication in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
Works cited:
スギ薬局 drug store employee interview