July 7, 2018
July Community News & Events
Our monthly guide to what's happening in the international community
Welcome to the Metropolis Community Pages
Summer is not all festivals and fireworks — there are still a variety of events where you can support local causes, learn something new and have a good time. This month we have added more social networking and volunteering opportunities where you might meet new people, learn more and get involved. Although August is a quiet time for nonprofit and community events, many organizations will need volunteers and interns to help with programing for the summer and the rest of the year.
See you here next month.
Sarajean Rossitto
Toshima City, Child and Youth Event: Lecture, Drama and Music Event
A lecture on the theme of Present and Future of Policies on Children and Youth, by Michiko Miyamoto and a performance of “The Parrot Training” by Tagore & Shure University. This original drama on Japanese education is based on the concepts of R.Tagore and presented by Shure University, a nonprofit independent student-directed university providing alternative educational opportunities for learning.
July 1 Sunday, July 1, 2pm – 5pm. Location: Toshima Center Square. Access: Higashi-Ikebukuro (Yurakucho Line), Ikebukuro (JR, Marunouchi Line, Yurakucho Line, Seibu Line, Tobu Line, etc.). Free, but reservations are recommended.
For more information visit: www.city.toshima.lg.jp/429/soudan/1805302025.html
Information session for high school students wanting to study in the US
The American Center Japan will be hosting two information sessions for young people interesting in going to university in the US.
Monday, July 2, 2pm – 3:30pm
Tuesday July 10 1:30pm – 5pm
Venue: American Center Japan, 8F Nomura Fudosan Tameike Bldg. , 1-1-14 Akasaka, Minato-ku.
See date specific websites to register and for more information on each session.
First Tuesday
First Tuesday is a bilingual networking forum for start-ups, their mentors, investors and strategic advisers, held every first Tuesday of the month.
July 3 Tuesday, July 3, 7pm – 9pm, Location:
The 1/3rd Cafe & Bar, 4-6-10 Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku. Cost: ¥2,000, incl. 1 free drink and light meal. Tickets: peatix.com/sales/event/394522/tickets
For more information visit: facebook.com/events/552743478455196/
NGOs in Japan and the Constitution
The panel (Maki Kato, Program Officer for Afghanistan, Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC); Sarajean Rossitto, Nonprofit NGO Consultant) will first focus on the global roles of NGOs, their NGO experience, community engagement in Japan, current efforts to revise the Constitution of Japan and then the floor will be opened for attendees to discuss in a casual setting.
July 6 Friday, July 6, 7pm – 9pm. Location: Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC) Office, 6F Creative One Akihabara Bldg., 5-3-4 Ueno, Taito-ku. Cost: ¥500.
For more information contact: kato@ngo-jvc.net
Cycling For Charity 2018 launch event
Cycling For Charity’s mission is to raise awareness of social issues, and help children in need of support through cycling. Enjoy a Saturday afternoon cycling and supporting youth in Japan. This is a family friendly event — children are welcome.
July 7 Saturday, July 7, 9am gather, 10am start cycling. Location: Komazawa Olympic Park, 1-1 Setagaya-ku.
For more information visit: facebook.com/events/2164161507204249/
Mediterranean Night
“Mediterranean Night” co-hosted by the Spanish Chamber and the Greek Chamber. As members of the EU, facing the same sea, Italy, Spain and Greece share an incredible amount of history, character and relationships. Mediterranean Night 2018 will feature authentic Spanish food paired with Greek and Italian wines to give you that Mediterranean summer feeling. You just might be ready for a summer holiday afterwards.
July 10 Tuesday, July 10, 7pm – 9pm. Location: Bikini TAPA, 4F Shibuya Mark City, 1-12-5 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku. Fee: ICCJ/SpCCJ/GrCCJ Members ¥5,000, Others ¥8,000. Registration/Cancellation deadline: July 3 (Tue), 6pm. For more information contact: projects@iccj.or.jp
Register here: goo.gl/VJ3ZKE
For Empowering Women in Japan (FEW) end of the year networking meeting
Join FEW members and friends —women leaders from a wide array of industries and countries — as we review the past year, welcome the summer and discuss plans for the fall to come.
July 12 Thursday, July 12, 7pm – 10pm. Location: Minami Azabu Centre Hall www.centre-hall.com. Cost: Members ¥2,000 / Non-members (women only) ¥5,000 / Students and interns (women only) ¥3,000. Fee includes light buffet and beverages.
For more information visit: fewjapan.com
Sightseeing Tour in English at Ueno Park
Join a monthly tour of the Ueno park area in English. This is organized by People’s Educational And Cultural Exchange(PEACE),which promotes international understanding and intercultural communication through English. PEACE brings together people from all over the world for workshops, social events and interpersonal exchanges.
July 14 Saturday, July 14, 10am – 12pm. Location: Ueno Park.
For more information visit: facebook.com/events/145978446103653/
Resilience Women’s Program
Theme: Tools to deal with Trauma.
The Women’s Program is a series of talks on topics related to trauma and abuse. It is a space for women who want to learn more about these issues, whether or not they have personal experience of trauma. Participants will not be asked to share any personal experiences, but there will be opportunities for private reflection throughout the talks.
Saturday, July 28, 2pm – 4pm. Location:
Studio R, room 110A, 4-14-19 Jingumae,
Shibuya-ku. Cost: ¥500. Registration not necessary.
For more information contact: Charlotte Goff charlotte@resilience.jp
Second Harvest Japan needs volunteers and summer interns!
Second Harvest Japan has volunteering opportunities Monday through Saturday. There are a wide range of needs and opportunities for you to use your skills and develop new ones.
Find out more online and register to be a 2HJ volunteer at www.2hj.org
If you are a student you can also intern at Second Harvest Japan over the summer holidays.
If interested, please send an email to charles@2hj.org
TELL is looking for volunteers for the Tokyo Tower Climb!
The climb will be held on Sunday, September 9, at 7:30am and TELL needs volunteers to help preparing the event throughout the summer and on the big day.
TELL has partnered with one of Tokyo’s most revered structures, Tokyo Tower, to offer an exciting opportunity that will challenge your endurance. September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day and people all around the globe will be walking, marching or running to “take a step” to remove stigmas around mental health.
For more information visit: telltowerclimb.com or contact Blake: event@telljp.com
Do you have an upcoming community event you would like listed?
Please send your event information for next month’s events to Sarajean at community@metropolisjapan.com