Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on August 2012
As kanji (漢字) is a man’s domain (漢 = kan = man), no wonder ideograms with 女 (onna, woman) as their radical tend to contain coded judgments on the gender. Here are a few examples. NB: the kanji have multiple readings, so please see the source for more information.
始 beginning
女+胎 womb
妊 pregnancy
女+任 responsibility
嫁 bride/ 婿 groom
女+家 house
婦 housewife
女+帚 broom
姆 wet nurse
女+母 mother
姑 mother-in-law
女+古 old
奴 slave
女+又 right hand
娼 prostitute
女+昌 to prosper, sing
妓 geisha, entertainer
女+技 skill
孀 widow
女+霜 frost
嬲 to tamper
女 + two men
嫐 to flirt
女 + a man with two women
姦 noisy, rape
女 + two more women
媚 to flirt
女 +眉 eyebrow
如 follow instructions
女 +口 mouth
Source: http://kanji.sljfaq.org/mr.html