Ingrid (Julianne Moore) is a bit surprised when Martha (Tilda
Swinton), an old close friend with whom she has been out of
touch for years, contacts her with a sweet but rather extreme
Martha has terminal cancer and wishes to die. She has rented a
lovely house in which to do so and has (illegally) gotten hold of a
“euthanasia pill.” She wants Ingrid to be with her when she takes
it. Not in the same room — that would be too much to ask — but
Pedro Almodovar’s latest is an open-hearted film for grown-ups,
exploring themes that many can relate to. Life exhaustion, the loss
of pleasure and curiosity. The music is spot on, and the visuals
beautiful. For a film about dying, this one is cathartic, bursting
with life and energy. Moore and Swinton were born for this. I
won’t say that no one else could portray these roles, but no one
could do them better. (107 min)