Originally published on metropolis.co.jp on June 2012

Nara Dreamland
Nara dreamland is a famous haikyo for all the urban explorers in the world. After all, not many amusement parks of this size are abandoned with everything inside. And of course as a result it is heavily guarded, if you get caught, be prepared for the 100,000 JPY fine. The best attraction of Nara dreamland is the wooden roller coaster ‘Aska’. It was the biggest wooden roller coaster in Japan. The real fun for this kind of roller coaster is the vibration and the sound when you are on it. Even after its being abandoned, Aska remains the most popular destination for all ‘visitors’.

An abandoned attraction park around Nara? It seems that is very easy to find.

Photos by Jordy Meow and text by Jing Meow.
Nara Dreamland on Totoro Times.