Roppongi Crossing 2010

Roppongi Crossing 2010

Originally published on on March 2010 “Now more than ever, with society and the economy going through a period of immense change, we are provided with a rare opportunity to think about the very nature of art,” say the curators of the Mori’s triennial show of new art. “It will be a new Japan […]


Originally published on on March 2010

Photo by Koo. Ujino, The Ballad of Backyard, 2008

“Now more than ever, with society and the economy going through a period of immense change, we are provided with a rare opportunity to think about the very nature of art,” say the curators of the Mori’s triennial show of new art. “It will be a new Japan that emerges from this period of upheaval.” The high-concept “Roppongi Crossing 2010” provides an intriguing contrast to the no-concept show of new artists underway down the road at the National Art Center, Tokyo. On display will be works ranging from Takehito Koganezawa’s dizzying video installations to UJINO’s intricate, whimsical machines fashioned from everyday appliances (pictured).

Mori Art Museum
Roppongi Crossing 2010: Can There Be Art? The Creative Potential of a New Japan. Various media. Until July 4, ¥500 (MS and under)/¥1,000 (HS, univ)/¥1,500 (adult). 3F Mori Tower Roppongi Hills, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku. Tel: 03-5777-8600. Open Wed-Mon 10am-10pm, Tue 10am-5pm. Nearest stn: Roppongi.